Property Listing Status

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How to Change a Listings Status

Changing a Property Listing to Active or Hidden

Hiding a Property Listing

A subscriber may change the status of a property listing to active or hidden. Hiding the property is useful when a property is no longer available for rental. Hiding a property does not change the subscription renewal. To cancel a subscription use the "cancel subscription" text found on the property listings tab in the Host Dashboard.

  • Head to the Listings tab on the Host Dashboard
  • Click the 'Edit Listing' button on the property you wish to hide
  • The general info tab will automatically open
  • Click the Status Field dropdown
  • Click 'Hidden'
  • Press the save button

The yellow highlighted 'hidden' text will appear on the property listing in your Listings Tab. The property will remain hidden until the subscriber changes it back to Active.

Re-Activating a Property Listing

You can change the status of a property listing to active or hidden. Activating a property is useful when onboarding a listing. You have control over making the listing live by ACTIVATING the property. Always a good idea to ask Bonnie or Matt to check the listing first just to be sure you idnt miss something.

Follow the same instructions above but press the 'Active' dropdown option:

  • Navigate to the subscriptions tab on the Host DashboardHead to the Listings tab on the Host Dashboard
  • Click the 'Edit Listing' button on the property you wish to hide
  • The general info tab will automatically open
  • Click the Status Field dropdown
  • Click 'Active'
  • Press the save button

The green highlighted 'Active' text will appear on the property listing in your Listings Tab.

If you have any questions at any time contact we are available at [email protected] or message us through our Contact Us page.

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